Samsung Data Migration v1.0
Introduction and Installation Guide
2012.10 (Rev 1.0.)
The Samsung Data Migration software is designed to help users quickly,
easily, and safely migrate all of their data – including their current
operating system, application software, and user data – from their
existing storage device (e.g. HDD) to their new Samsung SSD.
Samsung Data Migration software is developed and distributed exclusively
for owners of Samsung Solid State Drives (SSDs).
1. When cloning the content of the source drive (e.g. HDD), all data on the
target disk (Samsung SSD) will be deleted and is impossible to recover.
Therefore, if you have stored any data that you would like to keep on
the target disk, please back it up in advance.
2. Samsung Electronics assumes no responsibility for any loss of data
that may occur on the target disk in the course of using this software
and will not be held liable for data recovery services. Even if the
migration process fails, data contained on the original disk is not
2012.10 (Rev 1.0.)
System Requirements
Windows XP SP2 (32-bit)
Windows Vista (32/64-bit)
Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
Windows 8 (32/64-bit)
Operating System
PC Memory (RAM)
Disk Space
1 GB or more
Minimum 10 MB required for installation
Supported Partition Types
Supported Languages
The source disk (HDD or SSD) must contain the
operating system installation
Source Disk
The Target Disk must be one of the following:
Samsung SSD 840 Series
Target Disk
Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series
Samsung SSD 830 Series
Samsung SSD 470 Series
2012.10 (Rev 1.0.)
1. This software supports only the Windows operating systems listed above.
2. Only the Samsung SSDs listed above are supported by this software. OEM
storage devices provided through a computer manufacturer or supplied
through another channel are not supported.
3. This software will run only if the operating system is installed on the source
disk. It will not function on disks that lack an operating system installation.
4. If the amount of data stored on the source disk exceeds the capacity of the
target disk, cloning will not proceed. The source disk (e.g. “C:” drive) must
consist of at least 20% free space. If more than 80% of the source disk is
filled with data, the cloning process cannot proceed normally. Secondary
partitions require at least 5 GB of free space.
5. On systems with three (3) drives or more (e.g. “C:”, “D:”, and “E:” drives) with
the operating system installed on the “C:” drive, only the first two
consecutive drives will be cloned (“C:” and “D:” drives). The “System” partition
that is created during Windows installation is automatically replicated.
6. OEM recovery partitions, generated at the factory by computer
manufacturers, cannot be replicated.
7. A difference of a few GB of data capacity between the source and target
disks is normal after cloning. The software does not copy the files Windows
automatically generates to manage virtual memory (page file, hibernation file,
8. This software cannot clone encrypted disks. In order to clone an encrypted
disk, you must first remove the password from the disk.
9. If you have instant PC recovery software installed on your system, this
software may not function properly.
2012.10 (Rev 1.0.)
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Design and contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
©2012 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
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