Name of Company
: Panasonic Corporation
: 1-1,Matsushita-cho,Moriguchi,Osaka 570-8511 Japan
: Energy Company Lithium-Ion Battery Business Unit, Battery Pack Engineering Group
Telephone number
Facsimile number
For emergency
: Akira Nezu
: +81-6-6991-1141
: +81-6-6994-4623
: +81-6-6991-1141
Document number: PLI-PSDS-12-2009-026
Issued : January 9, 2009
Name of Product
Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery (or, Lithium-Ion secondary battery)
AS09A51 BT.000605.036 (CGR-B/6N3AE)
(Model name)
Substance Identification
CAS number
UN Class
: Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
: Not specified
: Even classified as lithium ion batteries (UN3480), 2009 IATA Dangerous Goods
Regulations 50th edition Packing Instruction 965 Part 1 is applied. The product
is handled as Non-Dangerous Goods by meeting the following requirements. (1)
Lithium ion cells and batteries offered for transport are not subject to other additional
requirements of the UN Regulations if they meet the following: (1)(3)
1. for cells, the Watt-hour rating is not more than 20Wh;
2. for batteries, Watt-hour rating is not more than 100Wh.
The Watt-hour rating must be marked on outside of the battery case except those
manufactured before 1 January 2009 which may be transported without this marking
until 31 December 2010.
3. each cell or battery is of the type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the
UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Part Ⅲ subsection 38.3.
And they are out of scope for Special Provision A154 and comply with Special Provision
A164. (3)
: Positive electrode; Lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide
Negative electrode; Carbon
Electrolyte; Organic electrolyte mainly composed of alkyl carbonate
Enclosure; Plastic
Panasonic Corporation Energy Company
encountered in transport. (1)(2)(3)
z Please avoid storing the battery in the places where it is exposed to the static electricity so that no damage will
not be caused to the protection circuit of the battery pack.
Exposure Control
(in case of electrolyte leakage from the battery)
Acceptable concentration : Not specified in ACGIH. (4)
: Provide appropriate ventilation system such as local ventilator in the storage place.
: Gas mask for organic gases, safety goggle, safety glove.
Protective clothing
Physical and Chemical Properties of Single cell
: Single cell: Cylindrical or Prismatic cell
: Single cell: 3.6 volts
Nominal voltage
Stability and Reactivity
Since batteries utilize a chemical reaction they are actually considered a chemical product.
As such, battery performance will deteriorate over time even if stored for a long period of time without being used.
In addition, the various usage conditions such as charge, discharge, ambient temperature, etc. are not maintained
within the specified ranges the life expectancy of the battery may be shortened or the device in which the battery is
used may be damaged by electrolyte leakage.
Toxicological Information
(in case of electrolyte leakage from the battery)
Acute toxicity
: Oral (rat) LD50 >2g/kg (estimated)
: Irritating to eyes and skin.
Chronic toxicity
: Not specified.
: Not specified.
Ecological Information
z In case of the worn-out battery was disposed in land, the battery case may be corroded, and leak electrolyte.
But, we have no ecological information.
Heavy metal in battery : Mercury(Hg) and Cadmium(Cd) are neither contained nor used in battery.
Disposal Considerations (Precautions for recycling)
z When the battery is worn out, dispose of it under the ordinance of each local government or the low issued by
relating government.
z Disposal of the worn-out battery may be subjected to Collection and Recycling Regulation.
Panasonic Corporation Energy Company
Transport Information
z Even classified as lithium ion batteries (UN3480), 2009 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 50th edition
Packing Instruction 965 Part 1 is applied. The product is handled as Non-Dangerous Goods by
meeting the following requirements. (1)
z During the transportation of a large amount of batteries by ship, trailer or railway, do not leave them in the places
of high temperatures and do not allow them to be exposed to condensation.
z During the transportation do not allow packages to be fallen down or damaged.
z Lithium ion batteries identified by manufacturer as being defective for safety reasons, or that have been
damaged, that have the potential of producing a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or short circuit are forbidden
for transport (e.g. those being returned to the manufacturer for safety reasons).
z Except when installed in equipment, for air shipment that contain one or more cells or batteries, they are
necessary to meet the following items.
1. Each consignment must be accompanied with a document such as air waybill with an indication that:
・ the package contains lithium ion cells or batteries;
・ the package must be handled with care and that a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged;
・ special procedures should be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and
repacking if necessary; and
・ a telephone number for additional information.
2. Each package must be labeled with a lithium battery handling label.
* The width 120mm * length 110mm sized lithium battery handling label must be labeled onto the side of a
package without bending it.
3. Each package must be capable of withstanding a 1.2 m drop test in any orientation.
・damage to cells or batteries contained therein;
・shifting of the contents so as to allow battery to battery (or cell to cell) contact;
・releaser of contents.
4. Quantity per package shall not exceed 10kg.
5. Each package containing more than four cells or more than two batteries installed in equipment must be
complied with above item 1 and 2.
z The rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery pack as stated in Appendix are made in compliance to the requirements
stated in the latest edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Packing Instruction 965 Part 1 such that
they can be transported as a NOT RESTRICTED (non-hazardous/non-dangerous) goods. However, if those
lithium-ion battery packs are pack with or contained in an equipment, then it is the responsibility of the shipper to
ensure that the consignment are packed in compliance to the latest edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods
Regulations Part 1 section of either Packing Instruction 966 or 967 in order for that consignment to be declared
as NOT RESTRICTED (non-hazardous/non-Dangerous).
Regulatory Information
z IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 50th Edition Effective 1 January 2009.
z ICAO Technical Instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air.
(1) UN Recommendations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations.
Panasonic Corporation Energy Company
(2) Federal Resister/ Vol. 65, No. 174/Thursday, September7, 2000/Notices.
(3) IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 50th Edition Effective 1 January 2009.
(4) TLVs and BEIs 1999 ACGIH
Panasonic Corporation Energy Company
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